Place Directorate
 West Offices, Station Rise
 YO1 6GA
 Date: 26th January 2024
 The Occupier




Dear Resident

Tadcaster Road, York – Consultation on Parking

We are writing to you following the recent proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions on Tadcaster Road between its junctions with Slingsby Grove and Royal Chase. 

The consultation responses from the residents and businesses were reported to the Executive Member for Transport and Economy, which expressed a desire to review the restrictions for the parking bays along this section of the highway.  The bays are currently unrestricted on the south east side (racecourse) with the bay on the north west side (shops) a mix of Loading bay and 1 hour parking between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.  The views around the proposal raised concerns about the remaining level of parking, due to the occurrence of all day parking and the size of the loading bay.  The views received indicated that the loading bay was not required, and a timed parking bay would be the preference of the businesses.

The Council is proposing to review the restrictions in the parking bays, but we are conscious that this area has seen the restrictions amended on several occasion in the last ten years, so we are keen to engage with the businesses/residents to help provide an on-street parking amenity that works for the local community.  We are asking all business/residents within the area of the parking bays on Tadcaster Road if they would be in favour of amending the restrictions and if they have a preference for what the restrictions should be.


Consultation documents

The following information and documents are enclosed:

1.   A ballot form

2.   A Freepost Envelope

We can only accept one ballot sheet from each household or business.  Please complete and return to us in the Freepost envelope provided by the 16th February 2024.

If you prefer you can email your response to you will need to give all the information we have asked for on the ballot sheet, including your name and address.

Because your preference will determine whether we take this proposal forward and initiate the legal process to amend the Traffic Regulation Order, to amend the parking restrictions in the parking bay on Tadcaster Road, it is important that you either return your ballot or email your response as outlined above.  

We will write to you again when the results of the consultation process are known and let you know what will happen next.

Please contact me on 01904 551367 or email if you:

·        Require any further information or clarification

·        Want to discuss any special needs/circumstances that you believe would be disadvantaged by amending the parking restrictions

·        Details of landlords for rented properties


Yours faithfully


Darren Hobson

Traffic Management Team Leader


Consultation Ballot

Tadcaster Road, York – On-Street Parking


Please indicate your preferences by ticking the appropriate box.




Would you support a proposal to remove the loading bay on the north side of Tadcaster Road?



Please indicate your preferred options for parking restrictions for the parking bays on Tadcaster Road:


North side (outside shops)

South side (racecourse side)

Unrestricted parking



3-hour parking bay at all times



3-hour parking bay Monday-Saturday, 9am-5pm



1-hour parking bay at all times



1-hour parking bay Monday-Saturday, 9-5pm




Title: (Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms)   ---------------------------Initial: ---------------------------

Surname:                          -------------------------------------------------------------------

Address:                           -------------------------------------------------------------------


Postcode                          -------------------------------------------------------------------

Please return in the freepost envelope provided by Friday 16th February

We will only accept one completed ballot from each household or business and your preferences will be kept confidential. Alternatively if you prefer please email your details, preference and comments to:

Please provide any further comments you wish to make overleaf (Alternatively use a separate sheet)